A lot of what we struggle with in life is knowing for certain that God is present with us. A lot of things I have read in recent times remind us that God is always here but it takes that something extra to really believe it even when we are blind to Him. As lonely as I felt in Mongolia and as many of the lows I had where I was doubting myself, I really felt close to God, as if He was near. The reality of it is that He is not any closer or farther now, but it has to do with my perspective. This is tough. I think it has to do with a dependency on Him. I am back and just trying to make a living to get through each month which seems almost a depressing existence to me, but it is only for the time being I tell myself. Yet when I was in Mongolia, I was completely out of my element, in a strange milieu that I did not know how to function in so I was in no way able to take a hold of the reins. I felt a deep sense of creativity where my spirit was almost crying out, praising God in its own ways, fueling me with ideas. The Word was alive and when worshiping with people I was moved even when I could not understand what we were singing. It did not matter, just looking around and seeing the intimacy that people share with God and their love for people was more beautiful than words could ever be put into a verse or chorus.
Here I am now, trying to figure out the next steps for the future. Have not felt the same kind of presence and creativity here though. Sometimes I hate this constant access to instant information. It is like there is always something that I could look up on the net, resulting in two things. The first is that I think some of us have a poorer retention of information because there is less of a need to store it. Also, I spend a lot of my free time surfing or reading random things when I could be reading with purpose or even more--listening. I think that is what is killing me. I wish I could cut off all access to TV and internet for awhile and just be quiet to see how much more of God we could see.
In the midst of this I have been struggling--why did I come back and am I making any difference where I am? Then I feel like I was spoken to directly in a way that is quite personal to my experience. It begins with a funny story.
I am at work, set up in this blue little tent on the lawn between two dorms on campus. The operation is to collect keys from guests that had been attending a Jesus Culture conference at Bethel church nearby. This is not really my job but it being teh weekend I get to do a variety of random jobs since no one else is around.
An Asian girl that quickly stood out as one of the leaders in her group came over to drop off her keys. In the process as I am counting the keys and checking them off of the list and putting them away she poses a funny question, "have you ever heard of dove eyes?" My response is, "um, no, why? Did someone say that about you?" as I wonder if she wants me to explain it to her as if someone had been complimenting her with it. Instead she throws it back at me saying, "No, I wanted to say it to you. It is from a song that says, 'I don't want to talk about you like you are not in the room...'"
I'm thinking, 'Great. This is incredibly awkward. This girl is hitting on me? How random!' Before I have time to fumble words around and dig my hands deep into my pockets as if either I can extricate myself from this situation or the right words lie there, she continues--rescuing me from a squirmy moment.
"I just feel that God has something for you, to have dove's eyes, to be uncompromising in your search for his presence. To be totally devoted to seeking Him. Have you heard of Misty Edwards? I'm really into worship music, she sang "Dove Eyes" which is about undivided devotion. I feel that God had these words for you today so I wanted to share them with you. Can I pray for you?"
I am normally someone that gets really uncomfortable in this kind of situation but I felt at peace and that it just seemed right--no weird vibes. Felt like it was directly for me. I looked up Misty Edwards, it turns out she is a worship leader at IHOP (International House of Prayer) which I think is totally awesome by the way. The lyrics are short and simple:
I don't want to talk about You like You're not in the room
I want to look right at You I want to sing right to You
I believe that You are listening
I believe that You move at the sound of my voice
Give me dove's eyes
Give me undistracted devotion for only You
But what do I do with this? I have been struggling with this. What does it mean? Does it go with what I have been fearing lately--that I worked too much at setting myself up with what came my way first and what was most convenient? Am I trying to take care of myself too much instead of relying on God to take care of me and honor that I am trying to follow a way of service and a Spirit-filled life?
Any words of clarity for me on this?
1 comment:
Interesting thought Ryan. Misty Edwards has been a recent love of mine, just all her songs have held so much truth for me.
I think it's difficult in this age of information, age of reason and just being bombarded by so many things all at once to have our complete attention and affection on the LORD. We can try.
Haha, part of me was chuckling when I was reading about your experience because it sounds "so Bethel".. but I do believe their church has a huge impact on many people...
Sometimes it just takes us focusing our eyes each day on him. Giving him our simple devotion.
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