Taunting Transient Terror
The ghost whispers gentle words
Are they elements of truth
Or words meant to be unheard
Or do they say sooth*?
Oh you apparition of the mind
Do you speak of what ought to be
Or are your intentions unkind
With haste bring answers to set free
Ghoul of unsatisfaction why do you haunt
A fleeting thought thou are naught
Thy gentle words pierce and plague
Through a labyrinth of confusion they parade
Writhing wraith of cognition
Do you behold a clear vision
Eschew security, logic, wisdom, reason
To risk following a heart that seems to change with season?
Ethereal eidolon embodies extinct existance
Endless visitation of what was never born
Suffocating grip on to which you have no grasp
Over what is unreal you bring me to mourn
Scourging specter speak
Give me reason to listen
Differentiate--whimsical perfidy and painful honesty
Must what is good come to end?
Perilous phantom I await
For you to determine fate
Your answers so evasive
Yet your presence so pervasive
Will your shadow slowly fade
Or to reality incarnate?
*Sooth as in soothsayer, not soothe as in to calm*
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